Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday, February 25

Essential Question
How can you write an equation in two variables?
  • I will identify independent and dependent variables.
  • I will write equations in two variables.
  • I will use tables and graphs to analyze the relationship between two variables
7.4 Pages 319-321 #1-3, 10-16 even, 22, 26, 28


  1. Dependent and independent variables are different because dependent variables depend on independent variables.Independent variables don't depend on dependent variables.

  2. There is difference between independent variables and dependent variable. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable. The independent variable doesn't depend on the dependent variable.

  3. Independent variables are different from dependent variables because independent variables are depended on by the dependent variables.For example amount of money save in one week,the amount of money depends on the weeks.

  4. Independent and dependent are different. They are different because Dependent is like time you can't change it. On the other hand, Dependent you can change it. This is the difference between Independent and dependent.

  5. Independent variables are different that dependent variables because independent is what the other variable depends on. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable not the other way around.

  6. The independent and dependent variables are different. Because the independent variable is the variable that has other numbers around it. The dependent variable is the variable that has no numbers around it.

  7. Independents and variables and dependent variables are different because dependent depends on the independent because dependent is the answer and the independent are the number that gives the equation and the answer.

  8. Independent and dependent variables are different because an independent variable are what ever it is already. A dependent variable is time and you can not change what it is.

  9. Independent variables are different than dependent variables because dependent variables depend on independent variables. For example time is always a independent variable because nothing can change how it works

  10. Independent variables and dependent variables are different because a dependent variable depends on the independent variable. A independent variable does not depend on the dependent variable. So both variables do not both depend on the other.

  11. Independent variables and Dependent variables are different because independent variables are independent like time. Dependent variables are different because they depend on the independent variables.

  12. Independent and dependent variables are different because a independent variable have nothing to depend on.A Dependent variables have to rile on the independent variable.

  13. Independent and dependent variables are different by one depending on each other and one not depending on each other.
    X depends on Y but Y doesn't depend on X.

  14. Dependent variables and independent variables are different because dependent variables depend on independent variables. Time is an independent variable no matter what because nothing can off set it.

  15. Dependent Variables are variables that depend on other variables. A independent variable is a variable all by it's self not relying on other variables.

  16. They are different because they both have different means most of the time the are letters for example 4h+5=T. But independent variable depend on the dependent variable and that can't be switch .

  17. Independent variables and dependent variables are different. A independent variable is in the equation. A dependent variable is at the end of the equation.

  18. Independent and dependent variables are different because the independent variable can do whatever it wants and the dependent variable depends on the independent variable. An example of a independent variable is time. Nothing can affect what time it is. An example of a dependent variable is area.The area depends on the height of whatever shape you are using. That is how independent and dependent variables are different.

  19. The dependent variable is dependent in the independent variable. The independent variable is independent.

  20. Independent and dependent variables are different because they are both a whole different variable. Independent variables rely on the dependent variables because for example, if a triangle has a base of 12in. and then you have to write an equation showing what the number module would be then the independent would rely on the dependent because height changes the area.

  21. Independent an dependent variables are different. Independent variables are different from dependent variables because they do not depend on another variable. Dependent variables are different from independent variables because they depend on another variable. This is why independent an dependent variables are different.

  22. Independent variables and dependent variables are different because one depends on the other. In one equation only one variable depends on the other not both of them can be independent. The is why independent and dependent variables are different.
